The loudest times: An 80's metal tribute

DogmaPanzer 2001 Edición extranjeraRetroActive

The loudest times: An 80's metal tribute

Bandas de diversas nacionalidades graban temas propios o clásicos dentro del género metal.


1. Power of the night - Division
2. L.O.V.E. machine - Loud 'n' Nasty
3. Bring your daughter - Blind Roller
4. Night crawler - Panzer
5. Silent lucidity - Headline
6. Ban your head - Wraith
7. Ride the lightning - Dogma
8. Metal church - Prototype
9. We're not gonna take it - Endless
10. Don't believe a word - Savourey
11. I'll wait - Klank
12. Hordes of locusts - Steve Booke