
Vicente Sanfuentes 2004 Edición independienteTigerbeat6



01 Gold chains - prison life
02 Kid606 - we like having these things (williamsburg address remix)
03 Electronicat - driving song (crash remix)
04 Stars as Eyes - I Have A Headache This Big
05 Caro - intercom (stalker mix)
06 Dymaxion - what is the product?
07 Dwayne Sodahberk - we like having these things
08 Original hamster - human replace
09 Kit Clayton - Information (Faster Than Sound)
10 GD Luxxe - prison life (get away mix)
11 Dat Politics - driving song
12 Uprock (rhizomatic) - alphanumeric disinformation
13 Zeigenbock Kopf - I like having these things