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For example: 014782006753236413342:1ltfrybsbz4GeneralGrowlBox the content of the pop-up tips(Use HTML code.):Hide "Home" Link.Hide after user logged inHomeInsert DownloadInsert Download: [Downlink href="URL"]Filename[/Downlink]Insert FLV Video: [flv auto="1"]FLV URL[/flv]Insert FLV videoInsert MP3 Music: [mp3 auto="1" replay="0"]MP3 URL[/mp3]Insert MP3 musicInsert the following code into the editor, you will be able to use the built-in MP3 music player..Insert the following code into the editor, you will be able to use the built-in download button style.Insert the following code into the editor, you will be able to use the built-in video player to play FLV video.Leave a commentMetaMost Popular ArticlesNavigation bar is displayed as:Next »No comments yet.No trackbacks yet.Not FoundNumber of comments to show:Number of images:Only supports flv file URL.Only supports mp3 file URL.Open the article Recommendation WidgetsOptionsPage Number style is displayed as:Page linkPlease enter a new RSS subscription address (if not set is to use WordPress's default subscription address).Random ImageRecent ArticlesRecent CommentsRecommended articles to be linked with the HTML code written in the input box below:Repeat Play: [mp3 replay="1"]http://www.xxx.com/xxx.mp3[/mp3]ReplyResponses to Revert to DefaultsSave ChangesSearch ResultsSearch engine keywords values fill in the following input box. Each keyword with "," separated.Search results for "%s"Settings have been restored to default.Settings saved.Shortcode format:Show sidebar in pages.Show sidebar in single pages.Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.Thank you for using iStudio. This Theme is Designed by Xu.hel.Theme StylesThis are iStudio's recent comments.Title:Trackback urlTrackbacksUse Ctrl+Enter to Reply Comments.Use ads to replace random pictures.Use google custom search engineUse the Picture Logo.WordPress Nav MenuYou can click the donate button at the bottom of this page if you think this is a very nice WordPress theme. Thank you.iStudio Custom Shortcode formatiStudio Recent CommentsiStudio ShortcodeleftrightProject-Id-Version: iStudio Theme Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-26 22:49+0700 PO-Revision-Date: Last-Translator: Xu.hel Language-Team: Xu.Design MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Poedit-Language: English X-Poedit-Country: CHINA X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8 X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e X-Poedit-Basepath: . X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/themes/istudio-theme Options·« 上一页至少需要 3 张图片。广告代码设置显示于边栏的广告代码:(最大尺寸:200x220)显示于单个文章内页的广告代码:(最大尺寸:728 x 90)文章内容内嵌广告代码:(最大尺寸:300x250)取代随机图片的广告代码:(最大尺寸:860x120)只要把下面的广告代码框清空后,就不会显示广告代码了.文章存档自动并循环播放:[mp3 auto="1" replay="1"]http://www.xxx.com/xxx.mp3[/mp3]自动播放:[flv auto="1"]http://www.xxx.com/xxx.flv[/flv]自动播放:[mp3 auto="1"]http://www.xxx.com/xxx.mp3[/mp3]Blog Archive分类分类列表单击返回首页单击返回首页代码格式:[Downlink href="http://www.xxx.com/xxx.zip"]download xxx.zip[/Downlink]代码格式:[flv]http://www.xxx.com/xxx.flv[/flv]代码格式:[mp3]http://www.xxx.com/xxx.mp3[/mp3]评论分页:评论自定义 RSS 订阅自定义短代码WordPress 默认样式内嵌广告显示位置:开启 GrowlBox 气泡提示启用搜索引擎关键字404 错误 - 没有找到摘要在 Google Custom Search Engine 的搜索框代码中找到 name="cx" , 并将同行中 value 的值填写在下面的输入框内。
例如: 014782006753236413342:1ltfrybsbz4常规GrowlBox 气泡提示内容 (可以使用 HTML 代码):隐藏 "Home" 链接。用户登录后隐藏Home插入下载按钮插入下载: [Downlink href="URL"]Filename[/Downlink]插入 FLV 视频: [flv auto="1"]FLV URL[/flv]插入 FLV 视频插入 MP3 音乐: [mp3 auto="1" replay="0"]MP3 URL[/mp3]插入 MP3 音乐在编辑器里面插入以下代码,您就可以使用主题内置的 MP3 播放器播放 MP3 音乐了。在编辑器里面插入以下代码,您就可以使用主题内置 CSS 样式的下载按钮了。在编辑器里面插入以下代码,您就可以使用主题内置的 FLV 播放器播放 FLV 视频了。发表评论其它最受欢迎文章导航栏显示为:下一页 »没有任何评论。没有任何引用。没有找到显示的评论数量: 图片数量:只支持 FLV 文件 URL 地址。只支持 MP3 文件 URL 地址。打开文章推荐 Widgets选项页码样式显示为:页面链接请输入新的 RSS 订阅地址 (如果没有设置就是用 WordPress 的默认订阅地址)。随机图片最近文章最近评论将要推荐的文章链接用 HTML 代码写在下面的输入框内:循环播放:[mp3 replay="1"]http://www.xxx.com/xxx.mp3[/mp3]回复回复自恢复为默认值保存设置搜索结果搜索引擎关键字的值填写在下面的输入框内。每个关键字用逗号分开。搜索结果:"%s"设置已恢复为默认值。设置已保存。短代码格式:在页面显示侧边栏。在单个文章页面显示侧边栏。对不起,您要找的东西不在这里。谢谢您使用 iStudio。 这个主题是由 Xu.hel 设计。主题样式这是 iStudio 的最近评论。标题:引用地址引用使用 Ctrl+Enter 回复评论。用广告取代随机图片使用 Google 自定义搜索使用图片 Logo。WordPress 3.0 导航菜单如果您非常喜欢这个 WordPress 的主题。那么您可以在这个页面的底部点击捐赠(donate)按钮。谢谢。iStudio 自定义短代码格式iStudio 最近评论iStudio 短代码左边右边